Learn with tutorials¶
위키미디어 프로젝트와 상호작용하는 기본을 배우기 위해 단계별 가이드들을 따르십시오.
나의 첫 도구 만들기¶
Learn how to edit wiki pages using Python and the Pywikibot framework. This tutorial helps you get started quickly using only your browser.
Generate ideas for articles¶
Learn how to use the MediaWiki API to generate ideas for new Wikipedia articles. This tutorial uses Python and the Flask framework.
위키데이터를 사용하는 봇 만들기¶
Use Python to handle large datasets from Wikidata and transfer data between tools in your workflow.
위키백과에서 공휴일 표시¶
Learn how to use the MediaWiki API to fetch holidays for a given date from Wikipedia. This tutorial also covers how to use the API to log in to Wikipedia and add new holidays. This tutorial uses Python and the Flask framework.
자바스크립트나 CSS를 위키에 추가¶
Customize MediaWiki with client-side JavaScript and CSS. Share user scripts, and explore gadgets other people have created.
위키미디어 클라우드 서버에서 도구 호스팅¶
Toolforge is a free hosting environment for running and managing tools. Get started with Toolforge by creating an account and setting up a basic web service.